5 SEO myths that will waste your time.

5 SEO myths that will waste your time.

There are a lot of myths out there when it comes to SEO – things that may sound true, but many of them are SEO techniques that aren’t going to move the needle in your SEO rankings. Here, we go over five SEO myths that you can ignore and move on with your day!


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15 Tips to Reduce Your Bounce Rate

15 Tips to Reduce Your Bounce Rate

It’s a well-known fact that the bounce rate of a website is an important metric for determining how good your site is.

If you have a high bounce rate, it means that visitors are only spending a little time on your site before bouncing off and going elsewhere.

Learn ways to reduce your bounce rate and increase the amount of time people spend on your site!

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How to write content that boosts user engagement

How to write content that boosts user engagement

Why should you try to write your website content in a way that will boost user engagement? The first reason is that if you don’t write your content well, visitors might not return to your website for a second visit. The other perhaps more important reason is that it effects the website’s bounce rate.


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Content Marketing – Have a plan

Content Marketing – Have a plan

A content marketing strategy is the idea that you are going to write content that will drive traffic to your website. It’s one of the most powerful marketing tools you can use, but the key to having a good content marketing plan is to…


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Conversion Rate Optimization – What is it?

Conversion Rate Optimization – What is it?

Conversion rate optimization can be a tricky business sometimes. It can become difficult to narrow down what’s working and what isn’t. There are so many points on the path to a conversion that need to be addressed that you really need to think carefully about your conversion optimization strategy.


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Writing copy for your new website

Writing copy for your new website

So, you’ve finally nailed down the design, production is underway, your new website is coming together just the way you planned.

And now you start thinking about the copy? Here are some of our tips to help you write better copy for the web.


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10 tips for businesses starting out with Twitter

10 tips for businesses starting out with Twitter

There’s been a lot of buzz about Twitter recently in the media, so its natural to want to know what all the fuss is about, and learn more about how Twitter might benefit you, both personally and in business.

I thought it might be a good idea, to put together a quick beginners guide to Twitter for our clients, and a list of my top 10 tips for using Twitter in business, to help you understand the basics of Twitter, and how you can use Twitter to help your business.


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