How to sell more online

How to sell more online

When visitors to your website are undecided about buying from your online shop, it can often be caused by an impression made by your website. Follow a few (or all) of these simple tips to turn visitors in to customers and improve online shop conversions. (more…)

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10 tips for businesses starting out with Twitter

10 tips for businesses starting out with Twitter

There’s been a lot of buzz about Twitter recently in the media, so its natural to want to know what all the fuss is about, and learn more about how Twitter might benefit you, both personally and in business.

I thought it might be a good idea, to put together a quick beginners guide to Twitter for our clients, and a list of my top 10 tips for using Twitter in business, to help you understand the basics of Twitter, and how you can use Twitter to help your business.


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Managing your personal online reputation

Managing your personal online reputation

We recently recommended to a client that they set up a page on their website promoting themselves (and optimised for their name) so that people searching for them in Google would get this page as (hopefully) the first result and help them manage their reputation.

The client expressed some concerns about putting themselves out on the web as a personal brand, and we thought some of the issues that were brought up were worth a mention here.


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